소규모 노인공공가정설계에 관한 탐색적 연구

A Study on Design of Aged Small Scale Institutional Household

  • 두경자 (상명대학교 소비자주거학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


This study is to design aged institutional household on a small scale, also the purpose of this study is to provide basic material for management of small scale institutional household and policy establishment that could help the aged well-being. Design of research is accomplished after the review of related literatures. The propositions of design are 3s follows; region:seoul suburbs(2 hours' distance) building:fourth stories(The building-to-land ratio 25%, capacious ratio 100%, in environmental affinity.) object:75 years and over aged 15 women cost:deposit and living month expenses contract between the manager and the desired occupant or concerned family term of validity:As long as occupant want.



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