The Evolution of Community Nutrition in the U.S.

  • Gillespie, Ardyth M.H. (Cornell Community Nutrition Program, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


Drawing from journal articles, community nutrition textbooks, government documents, national conference reports, the author's own work in community programming, and discussions with practicing Community Nutritionists, this article illuminates the scope and character of community nutrition in the United States. It traces the roots of community nutrition in home economics, nutrition, education, communication, social and behavioral sciences, and describes the evolution of theory. And finally it suggests issues to be addressed by community nutrition researchers and practitioners through collaborations that integrate perspectives within community nutrition and strategically cross disciplinary boundaries. These include: 1) theory development and application in research and practice within philosophically consistent perspectives; 2) methodological development (qualitative and quantitative) drawing from the social and behavioral sciences that apply to community nutrition; 3) taking a long view of community nutrition and recognizing that change requires integrated efforts over long periods of time; 4) engaging community stakeholders in research as well as program planning and 5) engaging with community nutritionists from other countries for cross-cultural research and conceptualization. This journal and the Korean Society for Community Nutrition, as the only journal and society expressly devoted to community nutrition, would be the best context for such collaborations.



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