Sewage Treatment Using Natural Systems and Effluent Reuse for Crop Irrigation in Small Communities

  • Published : 2003.12.01


A pilot study was performed from July 1998 to December 2002, including winter performance, to examine seasonal performance of a constructed wetland and subsequent pond system for treatment of sewage in small communities of Korea. Pond was operated as a intermittent-discharge pond during winter period, and continuous flow system during growing season; its effects was evaluated from December 2001 to April 2003. The subsurface flow (SSF) wetland was satisfactory for treating sewage with good removal efficiency even during the winter period. The wetland effluent concentrations of $BOD_5$ and TSS were often higher in winter than in the growing season, but this was explained by the higher loading rates, rather than lower removal efficiency. The relatively poor-quality wetland effluent was further polished during winter in the pond. The upper layer of the pond water column became remarkably clear immediately after ice melt. In the growing season, ponds could be operated as a continuous flow system to remove nutrients and pathogens, and the effluent of pond could be reused as a supplemental irrigation water without risk of infection by sewage-borne pathogens as well as causing adverse effect on growth and yield. Overall, the wetland system was found to be adequate for treating sewage with stable removal efficiency, and the intermittent-discharge pond was found to be effective for further polishing if necessary. Therefore, the combination of a wetland and subsequent pond system and reuse of effluent as crop irrigation water is recommended as a practical alternative to treat sewage in Korean small communities, and partial discharge of pond water in March is suggested.



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