소금으로 팽화시킨 유과바탕 및 쌀엿강정용 팽화쌀의 품질

Quality of Yukwa base and Popped rice for Salyeotgangjung popped with salt

  • 임경려 (안산대학 식품영양과) ;
  • 강순아 (경희대학교 동서의학대학원 임상영양과) ;
  • 이경희 (경희대학교 외식산업학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


This study was performed to improve the quality and extend the shelf life of Yukwa and Salyeotgangjung, traditional Korean cookies, by using fine hot salt instead of oil as the popping medium. Yukwa and Salyeotgangjung were popped with fine salt, and the size, sensory evaluation, color values and textural properties were then compared with those popped in oil. The results showed that the Yukwa base with salt was popped the most at 140C and the rice was popped at 240C. The Yukwa base in salts was smaller in size and larger in density than in oil but the popped rice in salts had a similar size and a smaller density than that popped in oil. In the sensory test, the Yukwa base and popped rice expanded in the salts were preferred to those popped in oil but there was little difference in only popped rice. In terms of color, there was a difference between those popped in salt and in oil. In terms of texture, only popped rice expanded in the salts was harder than in oil, and the Yukwa popped in oil was more cohesive than in the salts. In brittleness, there were no differences between in salt and in oil.



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