품질비용 발생편차와 품질관리활동 그리고 성과간의 관계:품질성과와 납기성과를 중심으로

The Relationships among the Degree of Quality Cost Deviation, Quality Management Activities and Performance

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Quality is a critical competitive factor in today's environment because of the impact of quality on costs and delivery. Many companies regard quality as a key concept of company strategy in order to achieve the competitive edge. Measuring and reporting quality cost is the first step in quality management program. The supposition of quality cost model is that investment in prevention activities will bring rewards from reduced failure costs, and that further investment in prevention activities will show profits from reduced appraisal costs. In this study, the degree of quality cost deviation is conceptualized. This means a deviation between the ideal and present ranking in the amounts of quality cost categories. This study analysed that the effect of its deviation on quality management activity and performance variables. However, there are no difference in these variables. The major reason is that most of companies are endeavoring for quality management but operating quality cost system unsystematically. The review against a prevention and appraisal activity is necessary.



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