A Comparison of the Resting Energy Expenditure of Korean Adults Using Indirect Calorimetry

Indirect Calorimetry를 이용한 한국 성인의 휴식대사량 비교 연구

  • 박정아 (계명대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김기진 (게명대학교 체육학과) ;
  • 김정희 (서울여자대학교 영양학과) ;
  • 박영숙 (순천향대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 구재옥 (방송대학교 가정학과) ;
  • 윤진숙 (계명대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this study was to provide baseline data for revising the recommended energy intake for Korean adults. We recruited 290 adults so as to determine their resting energy expenditure (REE) and energy intake. The REE was measured by indirect calorimetry. We also calculated the REE from prediction equations formulated by World Health Organization (WHO), The energy intake for two consecutive days was assessed using the 24 hour recall method. The body weight, lean body mass (LBM) and percentage body fat were measured using the INBODY 3.0 system. We compared the results of three age groups ; 20 to 29 years,30 to 49 years and 50 years or more. The average energy intake of each age group was below the 7th Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). The average energy intake was lower in the older age groups. However, no difference was observed among the age groups when the energy intake as a percentage of the Korean RDA was compared. Our measurement of the REE was higher than the REE calculated by the WHO's method. Correlation coefficients between the measured and the calculated values of REE for all age groups showed significant correlations (r=0.475-0.672). As the ages of all the subjects increased, the REE/kg of body weight decreased. There were no significant differences in the REE / kg of the LBM between the different age groups; however, the REE/kg of the LBM was higher in the female group than in the male group. Negative correlations of the REE with the age (r=-0.242) and body fat ratio (r=-0.313) were observed; positive correlations of the REE with the BMI (r=0.265), height (r=0.570), weight (r=0.562) and LBM (r=0.586) were also found (p<0.01).



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