A Comparison of the Eating Habits and Eating Behaviors of Disabled and Non-disabled Children

장애아동과 비장애 아동의 식습관 및 섭식 행동 비교

  • 김은경 (강릉대학교 생명과학대학 식품과학과) ;
  • 안성연 (강릉대학교 생명과학대학 식품과학과) ;
  • 김은미 (서울은평대영학교) ;
  • 허경자 (강원도 정선 교육청) ;
  • 김은경 (강릉대학교 생명과학대학 식품과학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


This study was conducted to compare the eating habits of disabled and non-disabled children in Seoul and Gangneung. Korea. Questionnaires about eating habits were answered by the children's parents and their teachers. The subjects of this study consisted of 146 disabled children (108 boys and 38 girls) from two special education schools and 241 non-disabled children (control group,120 boys and 121 girls) from two elementary schools in Seoul and Gangneung, respectively. The percentage of the children who required more than 30 minutes to eat was 11.3% in the disabled group and 2.5% in the non-disabled group. In the disabled group,44.0% ate excessive amounts of food or could not control their intake. The percentage of the children whose frequency of eating breakfast was less than 1 to 2 times per week was 21.0% in the disabled group and 9.7% in the non-disabled group. Also, 7.6% of the disabled group and 13.9% of the non-disabled group had snacks more than three times per day. The percentage of children who were able to eat by themselves was lower in the disabled group (47.9%) than in the non-disabled group (87.8%). Of the remainder of the disabled group,28.6% spilled food, and 14.3% needed the aid of others when picking up side dishes. The percentage of parents who worried about their children's eating an unbalanced diet was 48.5% in the disabled group and 41.8% in the non-disabled group. In addition, there were problems with eating behaviors in 22.7% in the disabled group, and with under-eating (15.9%) and with excessive intake of instant foods (16.8%) in the non-disabled group. These results suggest that the eating habits and eating behaviors of disabled children are different from those of non-disabled children. Thus, nutritional educational programs and educational materials for disabled children and their parents should be developed.



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