The Iron Status and Diet Quality of Pregnant Women during the First Five Months of Pregnancy

임신 전반기 여성의 철분 영양상태와 식사의 질

  • 윤지숙 (계명대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 박정아 (계명대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 손숙미 (가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


Literature suggests that iron deficiency anemia is prevalent among pregnant women all over the world. This study was designed to evaluate the iron status of pregnant women during the fist five months, with the intention of determining ways to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia among pregnant women in Korea. We collected dietary information and measured the biochemical status of iron in 171 pregnant women over 16 weeks of gestation (=16.7$\pm$2.34 week). Dietary intakes for 3 days were collected using the 24 hour recall and food record methods. The daily Fe intake was measured using the food frequency method. The Body Mass Index (BMI), calculated by using the pre-pregnancy weight and height, indicated that 31.3% of subjects were under-weight. We divided the subjects into normal and anemic group by using the serum ferritin levels. It appeared that the mean dietary intake of iron was 52.3% of the recommended level for pregnant women. The dietary quality evaluation showed that pregnant women ate only 58% of the recommended amount in the food groups of meat, fish, eggs, beans and milk and dairy products. The hematological indices showed that the mean Hemoglobin (Hb) was 11.9 g/dl, Hematocrit (Hct) was 35.1%, ferritin was 23.9 $ng/ml$, and transferrin was 297.3 ${\mu}g/dl$. The dietary intake of iron was significantly lower and the vitamin C intake was significantly higher in the anemic group. The pre-pregnancy BMI was significantly lower in the anemic group. Variables affecting iron intake were the Fe intake frequency index and the food group score. The Fe index showed significantly positive correlation with the pre-pregnancy food intake and the food group score. Hb showed a significantly positive correlation with the pre-pregnancy food intake. We concluded that strategies to improve iron status be implemented in the pre-pregnant stage so as to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency and that we should stress on the importance of an adequate diet as well as the maintenance of a heathy weight.



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