지형적 특징이 해풍시작에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

A Study on Modification of Geographical Features Affecting Onset of Sea Breeze

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


We simulate the geographical effects on the onset time of sea breeze at Suyoung and Haeundae districts by using the LCM (Local Circulation Model). The following can be found out from the numerical simulation on Case I (real terrain) which considered the real geography of Busan metropolitan area. Especially, as a result of analyzing the land breeze path, it could be found along the coastline as it flows out through low land coastal area. To find out more about the effects of terrain and geography on the onset time of sea breeze, the results of numerical simulation of virtual geography are as follows. In Case II (flat terrain), to find out how the terrain slope affects the onset of sea breeze, flat land and the ocean was considered. As a result, convergence of nighttime air mass at a Suyoung area and nighttime strong wind speed phenomenon was not shown. In Case III (modified flat terrain), to find out the effects of the irregularity of coastline affecting the onset of sea breeze, numerical simulation was carried out by simplifying the complex coastline into segments of straight coastline. So land breeze system and changing process of sea breeze after sunrise at Suyoung and Haeundae was simulated almost in a similar manner. Through this we could find the effects of coastal irregularities on onset of sea breeze.



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