벼줄점팔랑나비(P. guttata)에 대한 형태적 특징과 생활사에 대한 조사를 2001년부터 2002년까지 수행하였다. 성충은 황갈색으로 체장은 암수 각각 17.4 mm, 16.2 mm이었고, 각각의 날개편길이는 35.2 mm, 30.6 mm이었다. 난은 핑크색으로 반구형이며, 유충은 유백색-황녹색으로 체장은 2.9-30.6 mm이고, 용은 회색으로 체장은 23.8-25.7mm이었다. 실온조건에서 난기간은 4.5일, 유충기간 30.2일, 그리고 용기간은 6.9일이었다. 또한 성충의 수명은 암컷이 10.1일이었고, 산란수는 205.5개이었다.
Morphological characteristics and life cycle of Parnara guttata were studied from 2001 to 2002. Egg was hemisphere-shaped in pink. Larva was milky white or yellowish green color with 2.9-30.6 nm body length, depending on their developmental stages from 1 st to 5th instar. Pupa were grayish brown from 23.8 to 25.7 nm length, adults were yellowish brown color and body lengths were 17.4 nm and 16.2 nm and wing expanse lengths were 35.2 nm and 30.6 nm with female and male, respectively. At 25${\pm}$2$^{\circ}C$, each developmental periods was 4.5, 30.2, and 6.9 days with egg, larvae, and pupae, respectively. Also adult longevity were 10.1 for female, average number of egg was 205.5.