무리수 개념의 역사적 발생과 역사발생적 원리에 따른 무리수 지도

  • Published : 2003.12.01


This paper aims to consider the genesis of irrational numbers and to suggest a method for teaching the concept of irrational numbers. It is the notion of “incommensurability” in geometrical sense that makes Pythagoreans discover irrational numbers. According to the historica-genetic principle, the teaching method suggested in this paper is based on the very concept, incommensurability which the school mathematics lacks. The basic ideas are induced from Clairaut's and Arcavi's.



  1. 대한수학교육학회지 학교수학 v.4 no.4 무리수의 개념적 측면을 강조한 교육 방안 :'통약 불가능성'을 통한 무리수 고찰 변희현;박선용
  2. 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논문 수학사를 도입한 수학교육 지도 방법에 대한 연구 -중학교 2학년 중심으로- 장미화
  3. Ph. D. thesis : Part Ⅱ:the learning materials History of Mathematics as a Component of Mathematics Teachers Background Arcavi,A.
  4. Elements de geometrie Clairaut,A.C.
  5. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics Eves,H.;이우영(역);신항균(역)
  6. A Concise History of Mathematics Struik,D.;장경윤(외)(역)
  7. The Calculus - a genetic approach Toeplitz,O.