한국조경학회지 게재논문 조경사 분야의 연구경향

Research Trends concerning History of Landscape Architecture in the Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture

  • 신상섭 (우석대학교 이공대학 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this research is an analysis of research trends concerning history of landscape architecture found in the Journal of Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture (KILA). To do this, I reviewed the 905 articles from the journal from 1973 to 2003, from Which 104 journals were selected. In the articles, there were numerous studies on Oriental history and there was a lack of studies on Western history. Many of the oriental landscape history articles featured the landscape architecture history of the Korean Choseon Dynasty. There was much difference between the 1980s and 1990s. The topics of the 1980s were usually royal palaces, villages and temples, whereas those of 1990s expanded to include confucian memorial halls, walled towns and historical landscape areas. Also the topics of the 1990s included Japanese, Chinese ,md Western landscape architecture. Nevertheless, we had almost no focus on preservation and inheritance of historical cultural landscape sites. To solve this problem, we can find our motivation in the studies in history of landscape architecture.



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