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- J Nat'l Cancer Inst v.91 Tobacco smoke carcinogens and lung cancer Hecht SS
- Hypertension v.39 Cardiovascular effects of nasal and transdermal nicotine and cigarette smoking Benowitz NL;Hansson A;Jacob P III
- Hypertension v.37 Effects of smoking cessation on changes in blood pressure and incidence of hypertension Lee DH;Ha MH;Kim JR; Jacobs DR Jr
- New Jersey Medicine v.85 Smoking cessation in primary care settings Orleans CT
- Psychiatry v.31 Depression and depressive symptoms in smoking cessation comprehensive Covey LS;Glassman AH;Stetner F
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- Brain Res v.850 Nicotine abstinence in the mouse Isola R;Vogelsberg V;Wemlinger TA;Neff NH;Hadjiconstantinou M
- Biological Psychiatry v.49 Overview of nicotini receptors and their roles in the central nervous system Dani JA
- Behavioural Brain Research v.113 The putative role of extra-synaptic mesolimbic dopamine in the neurobiology Balfour DJ;Wright AE;Benwell ME;Birrell CE
- Eur J Pharmacol v.393 Role of dopamine in the behavioral actions of nicotine related to addiction Di Chiara G
- J Neurobiol v.53 Cellular and synaptic mechanisms of nicotine addiction Mansvelder HD;McGehee DS
- Trends in Pharmacological Sciences v.23 Nicotine addition:the possible role of functional upregulation Buission B;Bertrand D
- Addiction v.98 Smoking reduction promotes smoking cessation:results from a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of nicotine gum with 2-year follow-up Wennike P;DanielssonT;Landfeldt B;Westin A;Tonnesen P
- Psychopharmacology v.164 Smokers deprived of cigaretts for 72 h: effect of nicotine patches on craving and withdrawal Teneggi V;Tiffany ST;Squassante L;Milleri S;Ziviani L;Bye A
- Int J Tuberc Lung Dis v.7 Role of nicotine pharmacokinetics in nicotine addiction and nicotine replacement therapy: a review Le Houezec J
- Drugs v.62 Clinical efficacy of Bupropion in the management of smoking cessation Jorenby D
- Biochem Pharmacol v.63 A novel mechanism of action and potential use for lobeline as a treatment for psychostimulant abuse Dwoskin LP;Crooks PA
- J Food Sci Nutr v.8 Antioxidant and nicotine degradation effects of medicinal herbs Lee HJ;Hur SH;Shin EC;Lee YB
- J Chromatography v.419 Simultaneous determination of nicotine, cotinine and five additional nicotine metabolites in the urine of smokers using pre-column derivatization and high-performance liquid chromatography Barlow RD;Thompson PA;Stone RB
- British J Addiction v.86 The Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence: a revision of the Fagerstrom Heatherton TF;Kozlowski LT;Frecker RC;Fagerstrom KO
- Psychopharmacology (Berl) v.50 Smoking withdrawal symptoms in two weeks of abstinence Shiffman SM;Jarvik ME
- Pharmacol Biochem Behav v.72 Modulation of mood and cognitive performance following acute administration of Melissa officinalis (lemon balm) Kennedy DO;Scholey AB;Tildesley NT;Perry EK;Wesnes KA