미국 양로시설 실내의 색채적용 평가 - 4개 지역 10개 시설을 중심으로 -

Analysis of Interior Color Status in Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly - Focused on the 10 Facilities of 4 states in America -

  • 천진희 (상명대학교 디자인대학 실내디자인) ;
  • ;
  • Delores A. Ginthner (University of Minnesota, Department of Interior Design)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The residential and welfare facilities for the elderly are continuously increasing due to change of value on family under situation of aging population increase. And it is predicted that accommodation capacity of facilities for the elderly and its rate those facilities takes compared to whole social welfare facilities will be accelerated considering past increase speed. On the other hand, about 60% of the elderly have low physical and mental level almost close to disabled people therefore special environmental concerns helping their independent living are necessary. Among them, color application is one of the most important factors for smooth understanding, communication and psychological remedy effect for them. The purpose of this study is to analyze the interior color status in assisted living facilities for the elderly in America which is a leading country in terms of the understanding and policy for the elderly as a part of the research project to suggest the developed solution about the Korean residential welfare facilities for the elderly For this purpose, not only importance and effect of color and visual characteristics and reaction to color in elderly environment but also general concept and policy of the ‘assisted living facility’ in America were researched through documents review. And measuring of color on 5 main spaces such ; lobby/lounge, corridor, dining room, bedroom, stairway/ramp of the 10 facilities in America were performed under analysis of its functional and aesthetic level based on Moon & Spencer's color theory.



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