20세기 기업조직과 건축분야에서의 업무공간연구 패러다임의 변화

Change of Paradigm of Research about Workplace in Organization and Architecture Area in 20th Century

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The historical separation between organization studies and architecture area created a design environment in which wort processes are evaluated separately from setting where they occur. The impact of separation has been parallel yet disconnected development in th two disciplines in which the advance in one arena have not precipitated advances in the other. This is the unfortunate loss as each discipline has the potential to contribute directly to the other. With the emergence of new economy the opportunity to realign the tow disciplines is once again presented as new ways of working have enhanced this opportunity. It is important to revisit the historical development of the tow disciplines and to discuss how the misalignment of their respective concerns contributed to the establishment of our current situation. What happened to create an environment in which organizations assume that one of their largest capital expenditures the cost of providing work spaces for employees is unrelated to their work process\ulcorner what recent developments offer opportunities to rectify this dilemma\ulcorner In this study it is presented a historical review of organization studies and architecture. Through examination of these areas across time it becomes quite apparent that it is now appropriate to pose new questions about organization and their architecture. The comparison of two parallel developments explains how the current design environment is separated from organization studies and offers compelling evidence for why it is important to revisit this separation in light of contemporary theories on collaborative work, organizational learning and communities of practice.



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