Fuzzy Modeling and Control of Wheeled Mobile Robot

  • Kang, Jin-Shik (Dept. Telecommunication and Computer Eng. Cheju Nat′l Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


In this paper, a new model, which is a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model, for mobile robot is presented. A controller, consisting of two loops the one of which is the inner state feedback loop designed for stability and the outer loop is a PI controller designed for tracking the reference input, is suggested. Because the robot dynamics is nonlinear, it requires the controller to be insensitive to the nonlinear term. To achieve this objective, the model is developed by well known T-S fuzzy model. The design algorithm of inner state-feedback loop is regional pole-placement. In this paper, regions, for which poles of the inner state feedback loop are lie in, are formulated by LMI's. By solving these LMI's, we can obtain the state feedback gains for T-S fuzzy system. And this paper shows that the PI controller is equivalent to the state feedback and the cost function for reference tracking is equivalent to the LQ(linear quadratic) cost. By using these properties, it is also shown in this paper that the PI controller can be obtained by solving the LQ problem.



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