시장에 유통되는 식용식물의 분류

Classification of the Edible Plants on the Market in Busan

  • 문성기 (경성대학교 자연과학부 생물학) ;
  • 정순해 (경성대학교 자연과학부 생물학) ;
  • 최철만 (경성대학교 기초과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


시장에 유통되고 있는 식용 식물은 8문 11강 46목 67과 156속 183종 45변종으로 모두 228종류였다. 총 228종류를 문별로 비교한 결과 가장 많은 분류군은 피자식물문으로 202종류(88.60%)였고 다음이 균문으로 9종류(3.95%), 갈조식물문 5종류(2.19%), 홍조식물문 4종류(1.75%), 양치식물문 3종류(1.32%), 나자식물문 2종류(0.88%), 녹조식물문 2종류(0.88%), 지의식물문이 1종류(0.44%)였다. 과의 분류군에 있어서 다수 종을 내포하는 것은 십자화과, 장미과, 콩과, 박과, 산형과, 국화과, 백합과, 화본과 등이며 속의 분류군에서는 Brassica(14종), Prunus(9종), Lactuca(9종), Allium(7종), Citrus(5종), Cucuimis(4종), Cichorium(4종) 등이다. 조사 식물중 참죽나무가 가죽나무로, 엔다이브는 치커리로, 새느타리버섯은 새송이버섯으로, 파드득나물은 참나물로 잘못 통용되고 있었고 귤과 밀감, 금감과 감귤, 바나나와 파초, 파프리카와 피망은 각각 다른 식물명으로 불리어지지만 동일종이었다. 식용식물의 계절별 출현 종류수가 많은 계절은 가을, 봄, 여름, 겨울 순이었고 시중에 유통되고있는 식용식물의 식용부위는 잎, 어린순, 열매, 종자 뿌리, 줄기, 잎자루 순으로 나타났다.

The edible plants sold at the market in Busan were classified into 8 divisions, 11 classes, 46 orders, 67 families, 156 genera, 183 species and 45 varieties, and a total of 228 kinds of plants were included in them. Among the 228 kinds of edible plants, Angiospermae were the highest number of 202 kinds (88.60%), and next came Fungi of 9 kinds (3.95%), Phaeophyta of 5 kinds (2.19%), Rhodophyta of 4 kinds (1.75%), Pteridophyta of 3 kinds (1.32%) Gymnospermae of 2 kinds (0.88%), Chlorophyta of 2 kinds (0.88%), and Lichenes of 1 kind (0.44%) in order In the taxon of family, Cruciferae, Rosaceae, Leguminoceae, Cucurbitaceae, Umbelliferae, Compositae, Liliaceae, and Gramineae include many species. In the taxon of genus, Brassica(14 species), Prunus(9), Lactuca(9), Allium(7), Citrus(5), Cucumis(4), Cichorium(4) in order contain many species. Among tile edible plants, Chamjuknamu(Cedrela sinensis) is wrongly named Gajuknamu(Ailanthns altissima). And there are others which are called in a wrong way: Endive is wrongly called Chicory, Saeneutaribeoseot, Saesongi and Padeudeknamul(Japanese hornwort), Chamnamul. Gyul and Milgam, Geumgam and Gamgyul, Banana and Pacho, Paprika and Pimang(Pimento) are the names of the same plants. The number of the kinds of edible plants is different in each season. Fall has the most edible plants, and it is followed by spring, summer and winter. The edible parts of plants which are sold at the market are leaves, young sprouts, fruits, grains, roots, stems and petioles.



  1. Can. J. Bot. v.59 Use of plants for food and medicine by native peoples of eastern Canada Arnason,T.;R.J.Hebda;T.Johns
  2. Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna and flora of Korea v.8 Marine algae. Kang,J.W.
  3. Kor. J. Shinheung College v.16 A study on wild edible plants by season Kim,J.K.;T.K.Yi;J.S.Lee
  4. Korean mushrooms Kim,S.S.;Y.S.Kim
  5. Korean resources plantsⅠ-Ⅴ Kim,T.J.
  6. Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna and flora of Korea v.15 Economic plants Lee,D.B.
  7. Coloured Korean mushrooms Lee,J.Y.
  8. Illustrated flora of Korea Lee,T.B.
  9. Illustrated flora and fauna of Korea v.18 Flowering plants Lee,Y.N.
  10. Flora of Korea Lee,Y.N.
  11. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, I Band, Allgemeiner Teil Bakterien bis Gymnospermen Melchior,H.;Werderman,E.
  12. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, Ⅱ Band, Angiospermen Ubersicht uber die Florengebiete der Erde Melchior,H.;Werderman,E.
  13. J. Kyungsung University v.16 Classification of plants dealt in nature study and science textbook of Korean elementary and middle school Moon,S.G.;B.G.Choi
  14. J. Kyungsung University v.13 A study on the classification plants dealt in biology textbooks of Korean high schools Moon,S.G.;S.S.Go
  15. Can. J. Bot. v.59 A gift for the taking the untapped potential of some food plants of North American native peoples Turner,N.J.
  16. Herb World Saerowoon chaeso dogam Ryu,K.O.;S.S.Lee
  17. Fruit, A connoisseur's guide and cookbook Davidson,A.;C.Knox

피인용 문헌

  1. Constituents of Cryptotaenia japonica Inhibit Melanogenesis via CREB- and MAPK-Associated Signaling Pathways in Murine B16 Melanoma Cells vol.21, pp.10, 2016,
  2. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth and Antioxidant Activities of Prunella vulgaris and Campanula takesimana vol.17, pp.1, 2014,
  3. Effect of Drying Methods on the Saponin and Mineral Contents of Platycodon grandiflorum Radix vol.46, pp.5, 2014,