효과적인 품질분임조활동의 단계별 진행요령에 관한 연구

A Study on the Step-by-Step Process for Effective Quality Circle Activities

  • 이강인 (전주대학교 공학부 산업공학)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


The purpose of this paper is to propose the effective guidance of Quality Circle(QC) activities. Since 1975, variety of organizations in Korea have widely implemented QC activities for their management systems. The industries have enthusiastically used QC activities and were influenced from them. However, the academics were less interested in this subject, as a result, there were no systematic guidances for QC activities. Thus, in this paper, the effective guidance for QC activities were suggested which were based on the survey from QC proceedings presented in the companies, in the local areas and the national wide contests. As a result, the first main issue is to pick repeated mistakes up during the process period such as unmatched the causes and effects relations in characteristics diagrams, improper selection of important control items in Pareto diagram and so on. Secondly, how to overcome statistics and use them for QC activities. Thirdly, to remind team members about Quality Control 7 tools. Finally, Minitab(Release-13) software has been found that it is not matched with using Korean Standards(KS).



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