공간에 나타난 유추적 표현에 관한 연구

A Study on The Analogy Analysis Of The Space

  • 이진민 (숙명여자대학교 디자인대학원 실내디자인) ;
  • 이지현 (숙명여자대학교 디자인대학원)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


The yardstick of value has transformed into personal and sensitive one after it went through an Industrial society. The space in the society of sensitivity is defined by a semiotic character rather than as a physical object aimed at satisfying basic desire. Through this character, space makes a meaning and comes to exist an exchanging productive place. Environmental transformation is demanding further ample sensitive expression. In connection with the above, this thesis aims to identify the characteristics of sensitive and human-centered approach and systematize the analogy analysis which is applied to the interior space, classified by elements by introducing the concept of analogic inference in the field of rhetoric and through a diverse genres. As an approach, this thesis is entitled the analogic inference of the field of rhetoric to various art genres, and as a analogic interpretation genre, this thesis Is subdivided it into the fields of literature, image, fashion, flower art, and visual design, and study the analysis of analogic inference as a means of materializing storied space through the connection literature with design.



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