현대 성당건축의 성단구성과 성물에 대한 실천신학적 연구 - 제2차 바티칸공의회 문헌에 대한 건축적 해석 -

A Theological Study on the furnishings of the Sanctuary of Modern Catholic Church - Focused on the Architectural Interpretation of the Vatican Council 2 -

  • 발행 : 2003.02.11


This Study is concerned with the architectural problems particular to the design of the sanctuary in Catholic churches. The paper is meant to address two distinct groups - clerics and architects. Architects do not tend to think the church buildings theologically or liturgically, and priests, though they are often trained in the arts, do not tend to look at buildings the same way architects do. Hence, my goal is to adequately address the concerns of each in a language the other will understand, thereby building a bridge of communication between the two groups. The two main concerns of the study are to provide guidelines and reflection lot liturgically correct buildings, and to re-establish the traditions of church buildings. I discuss the idea of the sanctuary in the Catholic church,(in chapter 2) and examine each of the main furnishings of the sanctuary with regard to history, liturgical use, symbolism and related pastoral concerns.(in chapter 3,4).



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