Advanced Network 응용 및 활용 사례: Application Technology 분야

  • Published : 2003.10.01


1997년 활동을 시작한 APAN-KR (Asia Pacific Advanced Network - Korea) Technology Area 활동을 계승하여 2003년 초에 재구성된 ANF (Advanced Network Forum: 한국첨단망협회) Application Technology Area에 대한 전반적인 소개에 이어서 VoIP (voice over IP), DV/VC(digital video / video conferencing) 및 P2P(peer to peer)로 나누어진 각 세부 WG (working group)들의 소개, 활동 내용, 향후 계획 등을 살펴본다.



  1. L. Childers. et. al., 'Access grid:Immersive group-to-group collaborative visualization.' Proceedings of the Fourth International Immersive Projection Technology Workshop, June 2000
  2. UW Research Channel Consortium,
  3. DVTS Consortium,
  4. N. Minar and M. Hedlund, 'A Networkof Peers,' in PEER-TO-PEER: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies, O'Reilly and Associates,March 2001
  5. D. Barkai. 'Towards Balanced Computing.' presented at Internet2 Peer to Peer Workshop Collaborative Computing in Higher Education : P2P and Beyond, January 2002