- Trans Eurasia Information Network(TEIN), http://www.teinet.org/
- KOREN, http://noc.koren21.net/
- KREONET, http://www.kreonet2.net/
- Asia Pacific Advanced Network(APAN), http://www.apan.net
- Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure(APII), http://www.apii.net/
- RENATER, http://www.renater.fr/
- GEANT, http://www.geant.net/
- 6Bone-KR, http://www.6bone.ne.kr/
- 6WINIT, http://www.6winit.org/
- 6NET, http://www.6net.org/
- Euro6IX, http://www.euro6ix. net/
- STARTAP, http://www.startap.net/
- EC-IST, http://www.cordis.1u/ist/
- 한-EU간 IPv6 망 및 응용 연동기술 개발과제, http://www.6neat.net/
- University College London http://www.ucl.ac.uk/
- ANF Measurement WG(http://anf.ne.kr/-measurement/)
- Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA)
- Jaehoon Jeong, Seungyun Lee, Yongjin Kim and Yanghee Choi, 'Design and Implementation of Oneway IP Performance Measurement Tool,' ICOIN-16, Jeju, Korea
- Manish Jain and Constantinos Dovrolis, 'End-to-End Available Band-width: Measurement Methodology, Dynamics, and Relation with TCPThroughput,' ACM SIGCOMM 2002