A Study on Guideline for Using of Environmental-Friendly Materials in Interior Design

실내디자인에 있어 환경친화성 재료 사용의 가이드라인에 관한 연구

  • 강승모 (한세대학교 디자인학부)
  • Published : 2003.10.01


Since the 20th century, it has been the most important agenda that issued the environment of earth. And it has been enormous endeavors for providing the environmental-friendly. It has now outcome as a policy of estimate and acknowledgement for providing the environmental-friendly. Regarding that is the most efficient method in a practical sense, the policy has rapidly been developed. This study is an attempt to categorize interior design of the policy. Thus main-body of this study shall be clarified the definition of the notion of the environmental-friendly design and investigated the element of harm against the environmental-friendly as well. Eventually the conclusion is to provide a guideline for the environmental-friendly especially for the field of interior design materials, by the investigation of the exiting policy for the environmental-friendly design.



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