$Cu[SO_3(CH_2)_4SO_3].4H_2O$ 의 구조 및 자기적 특성

Structural anld magnetic properties of $Cu[SO_3(CH_2)_4SO_3].4H_2O$

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


The $Cu[SO_3(CH_2)_4SO_3$]ㆍ$4H_2O$ compound was synthesized. The three-dimensional structure of $Cu[SO_3(CH_2)_4SO_3$]ㆍ$4H_2O$ compound was determined. The copper atom is bridged by 4 oxygen atoms of 4 water molecules and 2 oxygen atoms of butanedisulfonate. The butyl chain in the plane of four copper atoms is oriented parallel and perpendicular to the one of plane axis, alternatively. Magnetic data indicate that this compound behaves a typical paramagnetic.



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