A female unknown aged Yorkshire terrier, weighing 3.5 kg with nasal discharge, left facial swelling and severe inflammation was referred to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Seoul National University. Radiographic findings were lytic change and soft tissue swelling of left zygomatic process and increased radiopacity of nasal cavity. In computed tomography, turbinate bone destruction was observed as well as lytic change of left zygomatic process and left maxilla indicating aggressive lesion. Then 3-dimensional reconstruction was also performed. Biopsy of tissue mass revealed it as squamous cell carcinoma. For this patient, euthanasia was performed guarded prognosis. Generally, tumors of the nasal cavity in dogs account for approximately 1 % to 2% of all neoplasms. The prevalence of these tumors increased with age and exposure to the ultraviolet. About two thirds of all nasal tumors are malignant tumors such as squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. As these tumors of nasal cavity are locally invasive, and external beam radiotherapy is the current treatment of choice. Unfortunately, diagnosis of these tumors often occurs late in the course of disease, resulting in a poor prognosis for outcome in many patients. It is considered that computed tomography could be used as an aid modality for the exact evaluation of extend and degree of bone lysis of nasal cavity and metastasis.