A Study on Factors Affecting Consumer's Housing Tenure Status

소비자의 주택 점유형태 선택의 결정요인

  • 여윤경 (이화여자대학교 소비자·인간발달학과) ;
  • 윤지영 (이화여자대학교 소비자·인간발달학과)
  • Published : 2003.05.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting consumer's housing tenure status by various household's characteristics. This study used 1997 KHPS(Korea Household Panel Study) by Daewoo Economic Research Institute and used 1,977 households for the analysis. The results of this research were summarized as follows; 1. There were major differences in household's characteristics by consumer's housing tenure status, except for the household's monthly income and savings. 2. Factors affecting consumer's choice of ‘owning’ a housing and taking a ‘chonsei’ system were very similar, but they affected in the opposite direction. 3. Factors affecting consumer's choice of taking a ‘chonsei’ system and ‘renting’ a house were much more similar, and they affected in the same direction. This study can be useful in developing housing service and design, and housing policy by consumer's choice of housing tenure status.



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