노년기 부부의 갈등과 생활만족도

Marital Conflict and Life Satisfaction in Aged Couples

  • 김경신 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과) ;
  • 이선미 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.01.01


The purposes of this study were to find the general trends of aged couples' marital conflict, life satisfaction, and to examine relationships between husbands' marital conflict, life satisfaction and those of wives, and to investigate effective variables influencing on their life satisfaction. The subjects were the 218 couples over 60 years old living in Gwangju. Trained researchers interviewed the subjects with structured questionnaires. Data were analyzed with mean, sd, Cronbach' α, paired-t test, Pearson's correlation and Hierarchical Regression using SAS program. The major findings were as follows; 1. The marital conflict scores of husbands and wives were lower than median and wives' marital conflict scores were higher than those of husbands. The average scores of life satisfaction were higher than median and Husbands achieved higher scores in life satisfaction than wives. 2. Husbands' marital conflict and life satisfaction were positively related to those of wives. 3. Husbands' life satisfaction was influenced by health, self-esteem, filial support, acquaintances' support, marital conflict. Wives' life satisfaction was influenced by income, health, marital intimacy, filial support, acquaintances' support, marital conflict. Spouses marital conflict was significantly effective variable to wives' life satisfaction, but no significant to husbands'.



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