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- Ecol. Envi. Safe v.37 Similarities and difference between the massive eel(Anguilla anguilla L.)devastastations that occured in lake Balton in 1991 and 1995 Balint,T.;Ferenczy F.Katai;I.Kiss;L.Kraczer;O.Kufcsak;G.Lang;C.Polyhos;I.Szabo;T.Szeletes;J.Nemcsok
- J. Fish. Biol. v.24 Gonad differentiation and body growth in Anguilla anguiila L Colombo,G.;G.Grandi and R.Rossi
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- Fish. Sci. v.64 no.4 Pretreatment reproductive stage and oocyte development induced by salmon pituitary homogenate in the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica Ijiri,S.;T.Koayaba;N.Takeda;H.Tachiki;S.Adachi;K.Yamauchi
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- Ann. Zool. Fennici v.11 Effect of a sublenthal concentration of phenol on some blood plasma enzyme activities in the pike(Esoxlucius L.)in backish water Kristofferson,R.;S.Broberg;A.OskariI;M.Pekkarinen
- J. Shimonoseki Coll. Fish. v.2 Study on the morphology,ecology and culture of Japanese eel Matsui.I.
- Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sic. Fish. v.41 no.6 Changes in blood propetries of maturing Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica,with hornone injection Ochiai.A.O.Manabu;U.Susumu
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- Fish cytogenetics. Suikosha. Japan Karyotype and specimen in fishes Ojima,Y.
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- Arch. of Oeanogr. & Lmm v.18 Sex ratio,age and growth of silver eels in to brackfish lagoons in the northern Adriatic valli of Comacchio and Valle Nuova Rossi,R.;G.Colombo
- Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sin., Monogr v.16 The stress response and its consequences in cultured fish Surnper,J.P.
- FIsh. Physiol. Biochem v.17 Artificial induction of maturation and fertilization in the Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica Tanaka,H.;K.Okuzawa;N.Linuma;K.Hirose
- Bull. Jpn. Soc. Fish. Ocean. v.47;48 Immigration timing and activity rhythms of the eel,Anguilla japonica ,elvers in the estuary of northern Taiwan,with emphasis on environmental influences Tzeng,W.N.
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- J. Fish. Biol. v.57 Differences in size and growth rates of male and female migrating Japanese eels in Peark River,China Tzeng,W.N.;H.R.Lin;C.H.Wang;S.N.Xu
- Int. Revue. Gesamten. Hydrobiol. v.75 Artificial maturation of cultivated male Japanese eels,Anguilla japonica,a riview Yamamoto,K.O.;O.Hiroi;T.Hirano;T.Morioka
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- J. Wild. Dis. v.6 Studies on the orign,development and seasonal variation in the blood cells of perch,Perca flavescens. Yokoyama,H.O.
- Biomed. Res. v.3 Secretion of aromatizable Δ4 androgens by thecal layers during estradiol-17β production by ovarian follicles of amago salmon(Oncorhynchus rhodurus)in vitro Young,G.;K.Kagawa;G.Kamhegawa;Y.Nagahama
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