- Ann Bort v.59 Callose in the impermeable seed coat of Sesbania Punicea Bevilacqua,L.R.;F.Fossati;G.Dondero
- J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. v.116 Low temperature germination of celery seeds for fluid drilling Furutani,S.C.;B.H.Zandstra;H.C.Price
- Kor. J. For. Soc. v.82 no.3 Seed germination improvement by pon-pon treatment and asexual multiplication by cutting in Zanthoxylum piperium Goo,G.H.;K.S.Youn;J.S.Choi
- Kor. J. For. Soc. v.84 no.1 Effects of the seed treatment on field germination and seedling growth in four useful species, Euonymus alatus, Nandina domestica, Thea sinensis and Zanthoxylum piperitum Goo,G.H.;J.S.Choi;K.S.Youn
- Plant Growth Regulation v.11 Seed coat structure and dormancy Kelly,K.M.;J. van staden;W.E.Bell
- Bot. Gaz v.147 Inhibition of germination in Atriplex triangularis seeds by applicatiion of phenols and reversal of inhibition by growth regulators Khan,M.A.;I.A.Ungar
- A.P. D.C. Kor. J. Medicinal Crop Sci. v.5 no.1 Effect of GA3, Kinetin and physical treatment on the seed germination of Zanthoxylum piperitum Kim,S.J.;J.H.Shin;K.J.Kim;S.D.Park;B.S.Choi;K.U.Kim
- Res. Rept. RDA(U&I) v.34 no.1 Promotion germination by physicochemical in Liriope Platyphylla Lee,J.K.;S.H.Kim;S.J.Lee
- Ann. Bot v.59 The role of the lens in seed inhibition and seeding vigor of Sesbania Punicea(Cav.) Benth. (Leguminosae : Papilionoideae) Manning,J.C.;J. van Staden
- Physical. Plant v.28 Changes in endogenous growth regulatiors in loblolly pine seeds during the process of stratification and germination Paul,K.S.;C.S.Patel;P.K.Biswas
- Seed Sci. & Technol v.21 Hard seed studies in rice bean(Vigna umbellata) Tomer,R.P.S.;K.Singh
- HortScience v.18 Hormonal control of pepper seed germination Watkins,J.T.;D.J.Cantliffe
- J. Kor. Soc. Hort. Sci. v.39 no.1 Effects of some pretreatments on seed germination of white Forsythia(Abeliophyllum distichum) Yoo,Y.K.;K.S.Kim
- 작물생리학, 5. 발아와 생장 권용웅;이종훈;이호진
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