- 숙명여자대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 자녀의 친사회적 행동과 사회적 문제행동에 대한 어머니의 귀인성향 권은정
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- Parenting Stress Index Short Form Charlottesville Abdin,R.R.
- Psychological Review v.84 Self-efficacy : Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change Bandura, A.
- Child Study Journal v.29 no.3 Parenting efficacy, perceived control over caregining failure, and mothers' reactions to preschool children's misbehavior Bondy,E.M.;Mash,E.J.
- Journal of Family Psychology v.12 Measuring parental attributions: Conceptual and methodological issues Bughental,D.B.;Johnston,C.;New,M.;Silvester,J.
- Developmental Review v.18 Self-efficacy and parenting quality : Findings and future applications Coleman.P.K.;Karrake,K.H.
- Child Development v.61 Minor parenting stresses with young children Crinic,K.A.;Greenberg,M.T.
- Parental belif systems: The Psychological consequence for children parent attribution process in the socialization of children Dix.T.H.;Grusec,J.E.;.E.Sigel(ed.)
- Child Development v.57 Social cognition in parents: Inferential and affective reactions to children of three age level Dix,T.;Ruble,D.M;Gresec,J.E.;Nixon,S.
- Family Relations v.45 Examination of the cross-cultural and cross-language equivalence of the parenting self-agency measure Dumka,L.E.;Stoerzinger,H.D.;Jackson,K.M.;Rossa,M.W.
- Child Development v.50 Child development and personal social networks Corchran,M.M.;Brassard,J.A.
- Child Delopment v.54 Effects of stress and social support on mothers and premature and full-term infants Crinic,K.A.;Greeberg,M.T.;Ragozin,A.S.;Robinson,M.M.;Basham,R.B.
- Child Dvelopment v.61 Minor parenting stresses with young children Grinic,K.A.;Greeberg,M.T.
- Developmental Psychology v.22 Psychological predictors of parents' sense of confidence and control and self-versus child-focused gratifications Frank,S.;Hole,C.B.;jacobson,S.;Justkowski,R.;Huyck,M.
- Research in Nursing & Health v.12 Maternal confidence during toddlerhood: Comparing preterm and fullterm group Gross,E.;Rocissano,L.;Roncoli,M.
- Developmental Psychology v.33 no.5 Maternal emotional distress and diminished responsiveness : The mediating role of parenting effecacy and parental perspective taking Gondoli,D.M;Silvergerg,S.B.
- Developmental Psychology v.24 Mothers; attributions regarding their children's social behavior and personality characteristics Grelarsson,S.J.;Gelfand,D.M
- ERIC no.ED265962 Cultural Variations in Family beliefs about Children's performance in mathematics: Comparisons among the People's republic of China, Chinese-American, and Caucasian-Americal Families Hess,R.D.(et al.)
- Child Development v.62 An attributional analysis of maternal beliefs about the importance of childrearing practices Himelstein,S.;Graham,S.;Weiner,B.
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.32 no.3 The Relationship of Mothers; Beliefs to Children's Mathematics Achievement: Some Effects of SexDifferences Holloway,S.D.
- Infant Behavior and Development v.17 no.3 Mother's attributions for their children's cognitive abilities Jaworski,T.M.;Hubert,N.C.
- Paper presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development Parents as developmental optimists Knight,R.
- Child Development v.57 Promoting children;s cognitive and social competence: The relation between parents; perceptions of task difficulty and children;s perceived and actual competence Ladd,G.W.;Price,J.M.
- Human Development v.25 Parental beliefs about developmental processes McGillicuddy-DeLisi,A.V.
- Child Development v.64 Maternal support networks, maternal cognition, and young children's social and cognitive development Melson,G.F.;Ladd,G.W.;Hsu,H.C.
- Child Development v.64 no.1 Parental Beliefs and Children's school Performance Okagaki,L.;Stemberg,R.
- Developmental Psychology v.29 Social network and marital support as mediations and moderators of the impact of stress and depression on parental behavior Simons,R.L.;Lorenz,F.O.;Wu,C.L.;Conger,R.D.
- Journal of Family Psychology v.12 no.2 The effects of matermal attributions on parenting: an experimental analysis Slep,a.M.S.;O'Leary,S.G.
- Child Development v.62 Behavioral competence among mothers of infants on the first year : The mediational role of maternal self-efficacy Teti,O.M.;Geffand,D.M.