Machine to Machine Commerce(M2M Commerce) in the New Era of Network Convergence

  • Published : 2003.11.01


The convergence of fixed and wireless networks in data communication is providing the necessary driver for M2M commerce to take-off. The opportunities provided by M2M Commerce areonly limited by imagination. Automotive Fleet and Freight, Tolling, Water and Power Metering, Supply Chain Management including Asset Management, Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics, Energy Management and Access Control and Security are among the many M2M applications that are currently getting rolled out. ARC Group expects the worldwide solutions market to be worth in excess of US$ 100 billion by 2007. In addition, operator revenues worldwide from the transport of Telematics data alone will rise from US$ 3.5 billion in 2002 to US$ 78 billion by 2007. This paper discusses some of the lifestyle and business opportunities provided by M2M Commerce in the new ear of network convergence. It also provides some case studies to demonstrate the benefits of M2M Commerce across the supply chain. The key focus of the paper is on achieving enhanced lifestyle, cost reduction, improved profitability and enhanced customer relationship management through M2M Commerce.



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  2. McPherson, I. (2003) 'Wireless Machine-to-Machine Communications: Telemetry,' Report, Wireless Data Research Group
  3. Olden, L., and Nwoyeocha, I. (2003) 'Increasing Profitability with Telematics and M2M,' Report, ARC Group
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