A Delayed Multiple Copy Retransmission Scheme for Data Communication in Wireless Networks

  • Niu, Zhisheng (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University) ;
  • Wu, Yi (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University) ;
  • Zhu, Jing (Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


In this paper, we propose a delayed multiple copy retransmission (DMCR) scheme for data communication in wireless networks, by which multiple copies of a lost link layer frame are retransmitted one-by-one with a retransmission delay in between. The number of the copies gradually increases with the number of retransmissions. Furthermore, for implementation of the DMCR scheme in practical mobile communication system, we also propose a dynamic retransmission scheme by interleaving and a new round-robin scheduling algorithm. We compare our scheme with the previous non-delayed retransmission schemes on the performance of frame loss probability, channel capacity and total transmission time. Numerical results show that the DMCR scheme can achieve higher performance. The effect of the delay time on endto-end TCP throughput is investigated as well.



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