Frequency-stabilized Femtosecond Mode-locked Laser for Optical Frequency Metrology

  • Yoon, Tai-Hyun (Center for Optical Frequency Control, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) ;
  • Kim, Eok-Bong (Center for Optical Frequency Control, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) ;
  • Park, Seong-Tae (Center for Optical Frequency Control, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
  • 투고 : 2003.06.26
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


We demonstrated an optical frequency synthesizer based on a femtosecond (fs) mode-locked Ti:sapphire (Ti:s) laser by simultaneously stabilizing the carrier-offset frequency, $f_{ceo}$, and repetition rate, $f_{ rep}$, referenced to the Cs atomic frequency standard. By using two wide-band digital phase-detectors we realized a phase-coherent link between $f_{rep} and f_{ceo} with the relation f_{ceo} = f_{AOM} 5/6f_{rep} ≡ 0, where f_{AOM} = 5/6f_{rep}$ is the phase-locked driving frequency of an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) in a self-referencing interferometer and $f_{rep}$ = 100 MHz. As a result, we could stabilize all components of the fs laser comb at once with an equal frequency separation $f_{rep}$ = 100 MHz with $f_{ceo}$ = 0. In our optical frequency synthesizer, the frequency of the nth component ($f_{n}$) is given exactly by the simple relation $f_n = nf_{rep}$, enabling us to use the fs laser comb as a frequency ruler in the optical frequency metrology.



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