WRC-03 결과 5GHz 무선 LAN대역

  • Published : 2003.09.01




  1. WRC-2000 결의 736, WRC-2003 결과
  2. FCC CFR47 Part 15 Subpart E -Unlisenced National Information Infrastructure Device
  3. ERC REPORT 72 'Compatibility Studies Related to the Possibile Extension Band for HiperLAN at 5GHz' May. 1999
  4. ERC REPORT 67 'Study of the Frequency Sharing Between HiperLANs and MSS Feeder Links in the 5GHz Band' February, 1999
  5. ETSI TS 101 475, Broadband Radio Access Network(BRAN):HiperLAN Type 2: Physical(PHY) layer
  6. 임재우 '초고속 무선서비스를 위한 5GHz대역 주파수 이용방안 연구' 연구소 전파기술세미나 p111-132. Dec, 2001
  7. 임재우 '5GHz대 주파수 공유기술 및 주파수 활용방안' 초고속무선랜 포럼 무선랜 활성화 세니나 Dec, 2002
  8. 전파연구소 '5GH2대역 무선접속망 연구' 보고서 Dec. 2001, 2002
  9. ITU-R Document 8A-9B/201-E, Specturm requirement analysis for the implementation of broadband NWA networks, 13. Mar. 2002
  10. ITU-R Recommendation M.1450, Characteristics of broadband radio local networks, 2003
  11. ITU-R Recommendation M.1652, Dynamic frequency selection in wireless access systems including radio local area networks for the purpose of protecting the radiOdetermination service in the 5GHz band 2003
  12. ITU-R Recommendation SA.1632 Sharing in the band 5250-5350MHz between the earth exploration satellite service and wireless access systems in the mobile service, 2003
  13. ITU-R Recommendation F.1613, Operational and deployment requirement for fixed wireless acces systems in the fixed service in Region 3 to ensure the protection of systems in the earth exploration satellite service in the band 5250-5350MHz, 2003