과학기술관련 의사결정구조의 변화 -‘사용자’와 ‘시민’의 새로운 참여방식 모색-

A Study on the Change of Science and Technology Decision Making Process: Searching for New Model

  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


This study reviews the emerging new model of science and technology decision making process. It examines the open source software development model and community-based innovation model in technological innovation and the active participation model of Consensus Conference and Citizen's Jury in science and technology policy decision making. It argues that the role and influence of users in innovation and policy making is becoming important in these emerging models and the existing supplier-led, bureaucratic model of science and technology decision making model is changing.



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  2. 과학기술학연구 v.2 no.1 기술혁신정책의 진화와 기술혁신이론 송위진
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