A Shaking Snake for Contour Extraction of an Object

물체의 윤곽선 추출을 위한 진동 스네이크

  • Published : 2003.08.01


An active contour model called snake is powerful tool for object contour extraction. But, conventional snakes require exhaustive computing time, sometimes can´t extract complex shape contours due to the properties of energy function, and are also heavily dependent on the position and the shape of an initial snake. To solving these problems, we propose in this paper an improved snake called "shaking snake", based on a greedy algorithm. A shaking snake consist of two steps. According to their appropriateness, we in the first step move each points directly to locations where contours are likely to be located. In the second step, we then align some snake points with a tolerable bound in order to prevent local minima. These processes shake the proposed snake. In the experimental results, we show the process of shaking the proposed shake and comparable performance with a greedy snake. The proposed snake can extract complex shape contours very accurately and run fast, approximately by the factor of five times, than a greedy snake.



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