Convection in the growth of zinc telluride single crystal by physical vapor transport

  • Kim, Geug-Tae (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hannam University)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


Zinc selenide (ZnSe) single crystals hold promise for many electro-optics, acousto-optic and green laser generation applications. This material is prepared in closed ampoules by the physical vapor transport (PVT) growth method based on the dissociative sublimation. We investigate the effects of diffusive-convection on the crystal growth rate of ZnSe with a low vapor pressure system in a horizontal configuration. Our results show that for the ratios of partial pressures, s=0.2 and 2.9, the growth rate increases with the Peclet number and the temperature differences between the source and crystal. As the ratio of partial pressures approaches the stoichiometric value of 2, the rate increases. The mass fluk based on one dimensional (1D model) flow for low vapor pressure system fall within the range of the predictions (2D model) obtained by solving the coupled set of conservation equations, which indicates the flow fields would be advective-diffusive. Therefore, the rate and the flow fields are independent of gravity acceleration levels.



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