• Mao, Linfan (Institute of System Science, Academy of Mathematics and System Scienes, Chinece Academy of Science, Beijing) ;
  • Liu, Yanpei (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Northern Jioaotong University)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


A map is a connected topological graph $\Gamma$ cellularly embedded in a surface. For any connected graph $\Gamma$, by introducing the concertion of semi-arc automorphism group Aut$\_$$\frac{1}{2}$/$\Gamma$ and classifying all embedding of $\Gamma$ undo. the action of this group, the numbers r$\^$O/ ($\Gamma$) and r$\^$N/($\Gamma$) of rooted maps on orientable and non-orientable surfaces with underlying graph $\Gamma$ are found. Many closed formulas without sum ∑ for the number of rooted maps on surfaces (orientable or non-orientable) with given underlying graphs, such as, complete graph K$\_$n/, complete bipartite graph K$\_$m, n/ bouquets B$\_$n/, dipole Dp$\_$n/ and generalized dipole (equation omitted) are refound in this paper.



  1. Permutation Groups and Combinatoric Structure N.L.Biggs;A.T.White
  2. Notices Amer. Math. Soc. v.7 A combinatorial representation for polyhedral surfaces Edmonds.J
  3. Topological Graph Theory J.L.Gross;T.W.Tucker
  4. J.Comb. Theory v.1 On the order of the group of a planar map F.Harary;W.T.Tutte
  5. Discrete Math. v.135 Enumeration of graph embeddings Jin Ho Kwak;Jaeun Lee
  6. Enumerative Theory of Maps Liu,Yanpei
  7. Doctorial Dissertation A census of maps on surfaces with given underlying graphs Mao,Linfan
  8. Chinese Advances Math v.1 New automorphism groups identity of trees Mao,Linfan;Liu,Yanpei
  9. Acta Math. Scientia v.3 On the roots on orientable embeddings of graph Mao,Linfan;Liu,Yanpei
  10. Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. v.103 Enumeration 2-cell imbeddings of connected graphs B.P.Mull;R.G.Rieper;A.T.White
  11. J.Graph Theory v.30 no.2 Enumerating the orientable 2-cell imbeddings of complete bipartite graphs B.P.Mull
  12. What is a map? in New Directions in the Theory of Graphs W.T.Tutte;F.Harary(ed.)
  13. Graphs of Group on Surfaces-interactions and models A.T.White