Evaluating the effect of the size of brand consideration set upon the Gutenberg′s monopolistic price interval

고려상표군 크기에 따른 구텐베르그의 가격독점영역에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2003.08.01


This study addressed an ill-understood issue of a price response model and a monopolistic price interval of fashion goods. The concept of monopolistic price interval introduced by Gutenberg has been rarely applied to the fashion goods, which is known as price sensitive goods. Thus, this study examined the price insensitive zone of the blue jean. The data of 268 respondents were analyzed using Choice-based Conjoint (CBC) analysis and t-test. Considering brand consideration set as a price determinant, we found the presence of monopolistic price interval of the jean. The results obtained from the CBC analysis showed that the bigger the size of brand consideration set, the shorter the monopolistic interval. This implied that the consumer who had a small brand consideration set was more likely to have a longer monopolistic price interval than the one who had a large brand consideration set, since the consumer with a small consideration set tended to value brand itself more than price. Although significant monopolistic price intervals were shown only for the three jean brands out of the seven, to reduce the size of brand consideration set and to increase brand loyalty were found important in maximizing firms'financial profits.



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