- Ecological modeling v.152 no.2;3 Indirect influence of the summer monsoon on chlorophylltotal phosphorus models in reservoirs: a case study An,K.G.;S.S.Park
- Can. J. Fish. Aquat Sci. v.57 Nutrient-chlorophyll relationships : an evaluation of empirical nutrient-chlorophyll models using Florida and north-temperate lake data Brown,C.D.;M.V.Hoyer;R.W.Bachmann;D.E.Canfield
- Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers v.44 no.7 Effcet of physical characteristics on a nutrient-Chlorophyll Relationship in Korean Reservoirs Hwang,S.J.;J,H.Jeon;J.H.Ham;H.S.Kim
- Korean Journal ot Limnology v.35 no.1 Effects of physical parameters on water quality in agricultural reservoirs Jeon,J.H.;C.G.Yoon;J.H.Ham;S.J.Hwang
- Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers v.44 no.3 Study on the relationships among water quality parameters in agricultural reservoirs Jeon,J.H.;C,G,Yoon;H.I.Kim;S.J.Hwang
- M.S. diss. Seoul. Konkuk University A study on the water quality and physical characteristics of agrecultural reservoirs Kim,H.I.
- Journal of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society v.1 no.2 Studies on the physical environmental factor analysis for water quality management in Man-made lake of Korea Kim,J.K.;W.H.Hong
- MS diss. Cheonnam. Wonkwang University The variations of water quality in agricultural reservoirs Kim,S.J.
- Rural and Environmental Engineering Journal no.75 Effective use and Management of Agricultural Water Kim,S.K.
- A program for the restoration and improvement of reservoir water quality(final) Korea Agricultural & Rural Infrastructure Corporation
- Water Resources in Korea Korea water resources corporation
- Report on the water quality survey network for agricultural water Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry;Korea Agricultural & Rural Infrastructure Corporation
- Report on the water quality survey network for agricultural water Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry;Korea Agricultural & Rural Infrastructure Corporation
- Report on the water quality survey network for agricultural water Minstry of Agriculture and Forestry;Korea Agricultural & Rural Infrastructure Corporation
- Ecology v.68 no.6 A Large-Scale Comparison of Factors Influencing Phytoplankton Abundance in Rivers, Lakes, and Impoundments Soballe,D.M.;B.L.Kimmel
- Water quality management in lakes The Korean society of environmental engineering
- Technical Report DAS/CSI/68.27 Scientific fundamentals of the eutrophication of lakes and flowing waters, with particular reference to nitrogen and phosphorus as factors in eutrophication Vollenweider,R.A.
- Schweiz. A. Hydorl v.37 Input-output Models with special reference to phosphorus loading concept in limnology Vollenweider,R.A.