Effect of Selenium on Pulmonary Glutathione Peroxidase and Alveolarization of Neonatal Rats

  • Published : 2003.09.01


This study was designed to determine whether selenium (Se) nutrition affects pulmonary glutathione peroxidase and alveolarization in the neonatal rat. Twenty-four female Sprague Dawley rats were bred and fed a semipurified Se-deficient (0.04 ppm, Se-) or a Se-adequate (0.5 ppm, Se+) diet through pregnancy and lactation. Pulmonary DNA synthesis was slightly higher in Se+ pups than in Se- pups on d 6 and d 9 of lactation, but significant difference was not found. As pulmonary alveolarization progressed, mean air space size decreased and internal surface area and lung volume increased. No difference in pulmonary alveolarization was found between Se- and Se+ pups by age. Pulmonary Se concentration was higher in Se+ pups than in Se- pups at all age. Glutathione peroxidase activity in lung tissur reflected Se status and was lower in Se- pups than in Se+ pups. In conclusion, selenium has no significant effect on alveolarization of neonatal lungs. but it is necessary for adequate supply of pulmonary antioxidant, glutathione peroxidase.



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