다중 정보 은폐 및 실시간 추출 시스템의 광-디지털적 구현

Opto-Digital Implementation of Multiple Information Hiding & Real-time Extraction System

  • 김정진 (광운대학교 전자공학과 국가지정 3차원 미디어연구실) ;
  • 최진혁 (광운대학교 전자공학과 국가지정 3차원 미디어연구실) ;
  • 김은수 (광운대학교 전자공학과 국가지정 3차원 미디어연구실)
  • 발행 : 2003.01.01


In this paper, a new opto-digital multiple information hiding and real-time extracting system is implemented. That is, multiple information is hidden in a cover image by using the stego keys which are generated by combined use of random sequence(RS) and Hadamard matrix(HM) and these hidden information is extracted in real-time by using a new optical correlator-based extraction system. In the experiment, 3 kinds of information, English alphabet of "N", "R", "L" having 512$\times$512 pixels, are formulated 8$\times$8 blocks and each of these information is multiplied with the corresponding stego keys having 64$\times$64 pixels one by one. And then, by adding these modulated data to a cover image of "Lena"having 512$\times$512 pixels, a stego image is finally generated. In this paper, as an extraction system, a new optical nonlinear joint transform correlator(NJTC) is introduced to extract the hidden data from a stego image in real-time, in which optical correlation between the stego image and each of the stego keys is performed and from these correlation outputs the hidden data can be asily exacted in real-time. Especially, it is found that the SNRs of the correlation outputs in the proposed optical NJTC-based extraction system has been improved to 7㏈ on average by comparison with those of the conventional JTC system under the condition of having a nonlinear parameter less than k=0.4. This good experimental results might suggest a possibility of implementation of an opto-digital multiple information hiding and real-time extracting system.



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