Examination of Cross-calibration Between OSMI and SeaWiFS: Comparison of Ocean Color Products

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Much effort has been made in the radiometric calibration of the ocean scanning multispectral imager (OSMI) since after the successful launch of KOMPSAT-1 in 1999. A series of calibration coefficients for OSMI detectors were obtained in collaboration with the NASA Sensor Intercomparison and Merger for Biological and Interdisciplinary (SIMBIOS) project office. In this study, we ompare the OSMI level-2 products (e.g., chorophyll-a concentration) calculated from the NASA cross-calibration coefficients with the SeaWiFS counterparts. Sample study areas are some of diagonostic data sites recommended by the SIMBIOS working group. Results of this study show that the OSMl-derived chlorophyll-a concentration agrees well with the SeaWiFS counterpart in Case 1 water; however, differences become larger in Case 2 water.



  1. SIMBIOS Project Annual Report SIMBIOS Project Data Processing and Analysis Results Fargion,G.;B.A.Franz;E.Kwia
  2. AGU 2001 Fall Meeting A comparative study and intercalibration between OSMI and SeaWiFS Franz,B.A.;Y.Kim
  3. MSI12 Version 2.6 User's Guide Franz,B.A.
  4. J. Geophys. Res. v.103 Ocean color chlorophyll algorithms for SeaWiFS O'Reilly,J.E.;S.Maritorena;B.G.Mitchell;D.A.Siegel;K.L.Carder;S.A.Garver;M.Kahru;C.R.McClain