성인여성의 등면형상 유형화와 길 원형 설계

Adult women's back type classification and Development of the Basic Bodice Pattern

  • 최선윤 (부산대학교 생활환경대학 의류학과) ;
  • 이정란 (부산대학교 생활환경대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.01


In this research, I classified adult women's back types through anthropometric measurement and photographic measurement to present a judging individual body size according to the type. Also, Ⅰ calculated regression fomula by types and presented the basic bodice pattern. The results were as follows: 1. The result of factor analysis indicated that 5 factors were extracted and those factors comprised 75.89% of total variance. 2. According to the cluster analysis, Ⅰclassified the back types into 6 types. Type 1 was passive posture in the upper and the lower parts of the back. Type 2 was active posture in the upper and the lower parts of the back. Type 3 had the lowest protrusion of the back. Type 4 had the upper part of the back which is mostly bent downward. Type 5 was the most suitable shape. Type 6 had the lower part of the back which was turned over the most. 3. Ⅰconducted a discriminant analysis to judge the body types of individuals. 4. For the calculation of measurements necessary for the basic bodice pattern, Ⅰpresented regression formulas by each type. 5. By conducting the wearing experiments, Ⅰsuccessfully made the final basic bodice patterns by types. As a result of comparative experiments between the basic bodice patterns and comparison bodice pattern, the suitability of basic bodice patterns were more highly assessed.



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  11. Fundamental Principles of Pattern Making for Misses and Women's Garments Irving E. Curtis
  12. 日本家政學會誌 v.49 no.1 曰本人若年女子背面形狀の3次元計測と解析 松山容子;山崎生美