지상전술 C4I체계의 통합화력운용간 전투력 상승효과 평가에 관한 연구

A Study on The Assesment of Power Improvement Effectiveness of Corps Level C4I System Applied to Integrated Fire Operation

  • 발행 : 2003.07.01


This paper develops a methodology that can be used to quantify the assesment of power improvement effectiveness of corps level C4I system applied to integrated fire operation by adapting Schuzer's C2 theory. This paper first describes how C4I systers can enhance the battle outcome in three way. : (1) Enhanced unit probability of survival; (2) Enhanced unit's individual effectiveness; improved exchange ratios; (3) Improved task force allocations : increased percentage of assets that can be assigned to a given engagement These enhancements are then show to result from improved probability of detection through information sharing; improved survivability and lethality through battle force coordination; and enhanced force allocation and prepositioning through improved timeliness of information(more advanced warning). It demonstrates that well-designed C4I systems can be shown to represent a significant force multiplier on the outcome of the battle.



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