줌치한지를 이용한 제품개발(I) -머구쟁이의 분류와 조성분, 펄프화를 중심으로-

Development of the Products Using Jumchihanji( I ) -Classification and Chemical Components, Pulping of Meogujaengi-

  • 전철 (원광대학교 생명자원과학대학)
  • Jeon, Chul (College of Life Resources and Sciences, Won Kwang University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Because of its tendency of making strong Hoc on the fiber surface with fines, Meogujaengi has not been valued as a material of Hanji. As an attempt to manufacture high value-added products using the material made from Jumchihanji, this study performed morphological classification and chemical component analysis and selection of pulping of Meogujaengi method. As a result, it can be concluded as follows, 1. Meogujaengi is assumed to be a local variety of Broussonetia karinoki and its outward appearance is distinguished from Broussonetia kazinoki. 2. The bast fiber of Meogujaengi is longer and thinner than that of Broussonetia papyrifera or Broussonetia kazinoki. However, because of the coarse linear of fiber tissue, there are many clusters. 3. The cluster phenomenon of Meogujaengi is nothing to do with its chemical components. Although the contents of its chemical components are different from those of Broussonetia kazinoki, no component was found that obstructs pulping. 4. The pretreatment for suppressing the occurrence of clusters of Meogujaengi was effective, and it was necessary to do secondary beating using hollander beater after beating mixed with PAM using knife beater.



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