A Study on TQM of Health Care Sector

  • Kim, Hee-Tak (Division of Business Administration, Sangmyung University)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


The study attempts to review TQM models used in the health care sector and the obstacles to the application of TQM in the sector. Even though the TQM models in the manufacturing and service sectors were successfully applied, the applicability of TQM in the health care sector is still in question. The reason is the unique characteristics of the medical sector such as medical and management practices. The most of the TQM models in the health care sector come from manufacturing industries. The importance of the professional groups is, however, more emphasized in the sector than in manufacturing sector. The role of the groups are idiosyncratic to the sector. They generate some obstacles to the application of TQM in the sector. The barriers include cultural obstacles of health care organization. It naturally follows that the TQM in the health care sector requires the change of the organizational culture of the sector. The culture embraces the norms, rules, regulations, compensation system, morale, practices, and common experiences. To change the culture needs long term effort and modification of the rules, regulations, compensation system, and practices. It also requires staffs' training in the problem solving methods. The TQM in the health care sector needs that the interested parties should change. Since doctors group and nurses group are controlled in the bureaucratic and authoritative manner, they should learn the problem solving techniques which require the interaction with other groups. The management also needs to learn management skills and get thorough training on them.



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