Iron deficiency and anemia are severe nutrition problems in most of Korea. Iron intake, especially iron with better bioavailability is insufficient over a total age group. Recent changes in diet and life style of Koreans have been repeatedly suggested problems caused by excess nutrient intake rather than under intake. Despite the changes in diet patterns, iron deficient anemia is still prevalent in many parts of Korea. Eight hundred and fifty subjects (323 male and 527 female subjects) in Asan were recruited from farming, factory and urban area. Each subject was interviewed to assess nutrients intakes according to a 24hr-recall method. Twelve hour fasting blood samples were collected to vacutainer with EDTA for hemoglobin (Hb) and separate the tubes for serum iron (SI) and total iron binding capacity (TIBC). The mean serum iron value of female subjects in the factory area was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that of the female subjects in the urban area although subjects in urban area showed significantly higher the dietary iron intake for both the men and woman (p < 0.05). Dietary iron intake for the younger women was lowest in the farming area and those in the urban area showed the highest dietary iron intake (p < 0.05). When the dietary iron intake was compared by different the age groups, dietary iron intake of the older women from animal sources was less than that of younger women in the urban area (p < 0.05). Dietary iron intake of Asan residents was not sufficient regardless of age, sex and regions and intake of heme iron was especially lower than nonheme iron. (J Community Nutrition 5(1) : 37∼43, 2003)