유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 : 어떻게 할 것인가\ulcorner

  • Published : 2003.05.01




  1. Ubiquitous Weiser, M.
  2. Scientific American v.265 no.3 The Computer for the 21st Century Weiser, M.
  3. Communications of ACM v.36 no.7 Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing Weiser, M.
  4. 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 혁명 사카무라켄;최운식(번역)
  5. Proceedings of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing System (CHI '97) Tangible bits: Towards seamless interfaces between people, bits and atoms Ishii, H.;Ullmer, B.
  6. ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction v.7 no.1 Charting past, present, and future research in ubiquitous computing Abowd, G.;Mynatt, E.
  7. IBM Systems Journal v.38 no.4 Classroom 2000: An experiment with the instruction of a living educational environment Abowd, G.
  8. College of Computing Abowd, G.
  9. Proceedings of the IEEE CS Annual Workshop on VLSI: System Level Design (IWV '98) Software design issues for ubiquitous computing Abowd, G.
  10. Proceedings of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '95) Bricks: Laying the foundations for graspable user interfaces Fitzmaurice, G.;Ishii, H.;Buxton, W.
  11. Proceedings of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '97) An empirical evaluation of graspable user interfaces: towards specialized, spacemultiplexed input Fitzmaurice, G.;Buxton, W.
  12. Ubiquitous information system for digital museum using contactless smart cards Shindo, K.;Koshizuka, N.;Sakamura, K.
  13. Proceedings of the 7th CaberNet Radicals Workshop Bank Accounting and Ubiquitous Brokering of Trustos Seigneur, J. M.;Abendroth, J.;Jensen, C.
  14. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp2002) Issues in Personalizing Shared Ubiquitous Devices Trevor, J.;Hibert, D.;Schilit, B.
  15. Journal of the ACM v.50 no.1 Three great challenges for half-cnetury-old computer science Brooks, F.
  16. Journal of the ACM v.50 no.1 What next? A dozen information-technology research goals Gray, J.
  17. Journal of the ACM v.50 no.1 Getting computers to understand Lampson, B.
  18. Journal of the ACM v.50 no.1 Problems and projections in CS for the next 49 years McCarthy, J.
  19. Proceedings of Multimedia Software Engineering Ubiquitous computing and its influence on MSE Muhlhauser, M.
  20. Personal Technologies Journal Special Issue on Wearable Computing v.1 no.4 The wearable remembrance agent: A system for augmented memory Rhodes, B.
  21. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '99) Wearable Computing Meets Ubiquitous Computing: Reaping the Best of Both Worlds Rhodes, B.;Minar, N.;Weaver J.
  22. Ubiquitous Computing, 4th International Conference Change Blind Information Display for Ubiquitous Computing Environments Intille, S.
  23. Proceedings of Ubicomp 2001 (LNCS 2201) At home with ubiquitous computing: seven challenges Edwards, W;Grinter, R.
  24. Athlantic monthly As we may think Bush, V.
  25. 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 국제 학술대회
  26. ETH Zurich As we may live Real-world implication of ubiquitous computing Langheinrich, M.;Coroama, V.;Bohn, J.;Rohs, M.
  27. 퍼베이시브 컴퓨팅 국제 학술대회
  28. Taxas Instrument RFID Card
  29. Hitachi RFID Chip
  30. RFID Journal
  31. HP Cooltown Project