- Electron. Lett. v.28 Dispersion analysis of aniotropic inhomogeneous waveguides using compact 2D-FDTD A.Asi;L.Shafai
- IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett. v.3 Numerical stability and numerical dispersion of a compact 2-D/FDTD method used for the dispersion ananlysis of waveguides A.C.Cangellaris
- IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett. v.3 An efficient 2-D FDTD algorithm using real variables S.Xiao;R.Vahldieck
- IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. v.1 Relationship between the compact complex and real variable 2-D FDTD method in arbitrary anisotropic dielectric waveguides A.P.Zhao;J.Juntunen;A.V.Raisanen
- Optical and Quantum Electronics v.31 Rigorous analysis of 3D optical and optoelectronic devices by the compact-2D-FDTD method F.Zepparelli;P.Mezzanotte;F.Alimenti;L.Roselli;R.Sorrentino;G.Tartarini;P.Bassi
- Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method(2nd ed.) A.Taflove;S.C.Hagness
- IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech. v.48 Toward the development of a three-dimensional unconditionally stable finite-difference time-domain method F.Zheng;Z.Chen;J.Zhang
- IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech. v.49 Numerical dispersion analysis of the unconditionally stable 3-D ADI-FDTD method F.Zheng;Z.Chen
- IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech. v.48 3-D ADI-FDTD methodunconditionally stable time-domain algorithm for solving full vector Maxwells equations T.Namiki
- IEEE AP-S Int. Symp. Dig. v.3 Investigation of an unconditionally stable compact 2D ADI-FDTD algorithm: formulations, numerical stability, and numerical dispersion S.Ju;H.Kim
- Numerical Recipes in C W.H.Press;B.P.Flannery;S.A.Teukolsky;W.T.Vetterling